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6.2. GIS Book: Shapefiles edition

To create new elements or edit existing ones within a shapefile, return to the ArcMap application and add the shapefiles generated as layers using the Add Data icon in the Standard toolbar (Figure 2).

To start editing, activate the Editor toolbar (Figure 12). Go to Editor > Start editing to enable editing in the workspace (in shapefile). In the next dialog box that appears, select the layer or workspace to edit. In case of warnings, omit them and click continue. The Create Features panel (left) then appears with a list of the current layers sorted by their geometry (points, lines and polygons), and in Construction Tools select the feature you want to edit.

The central idea of editing a shapefiles is to map the elements present in an image (to maintain an order, start first to work with the points, then with the lines and finally with the polygons). All required changes can then be made to the selected shapefile. To finish editing, go to Editor > Stop editing and save the modifications. Changes only affect the selected vector entity.

Figure 12. Toolbar Editor
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