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Band combination in R

Combining multiple bands into a single composite image is a common task in remote sensing and image processing. In R, this can be easily accomplished using the raster package, which provides functions for reading, manipulating, and writing raster images.

  1. Load the necessary libraries for the process: rgdal and raster.
    • raster: for reading, manipulating, and writing raster images.
    • rgdal: for reading and writing images in different vector and raster formats.


2. Use the setwd() function to set the working directory where the individual band images are located.


3. Use the raster() function to load each individual band into a separate variable.

band1 <- raster("LC08_L1TP_010063_20220614_20220617_02_T1_B5.tif")
band2 <- raster("LC08_L1TP_010063_20220614_20220617_02_T1_B6.tif")
band3 <- raster("LC08_L1TP_010063_20220614_20220617_02_T1_B2.tif")

4. Create a list with the individual bands loaded in the previous variables (band1, band2, band3).

band_list <- list(band1, band2, band3)

5. Use the stack() function to combine the individual bands into a single composite image.

composite_image <- stack(band_list)

6. Use the writeRaster() function to save the composite image in the previously established working directory.

writeRaster(composite_image, "Vegetation_analysis.tif")

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