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1 [data models] Nonspatial information about a geographic feature in a GIS, usually stored in a table and linked to the feature by a unique identifier. For example, attributes of a river might include its name, length, and sediment load at a gauging station.

2 [data models] In raster datasets, information associated with each unique value of a raster cell.

3 [graphics map display] Information that specifies how features are displayed and labeled on a map; for example, the graphic attributes of a river might include line thickness, line length, color, and font for labeling.

4 [ESRI software] In MOLE, aspatial information about a geographic feature in a GIS, usually stored in a table and linked to the feature by a unique identifier. For example, attributes of a force element might include its name and speed. Most MOLE attributes are what some military specifications refer to as labels or modifiers.1

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