Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from contour lines

Creating a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from contour lines is a fundamental process in GIS analysis, which allows us to create 3D models of the terrain. In this blog, we will discuss the necessary steps to create a DEM using contour lines in QGIS.

  1. Firstly, open QGIS and load the contour lines into the project. It is crucial to ensure that the contour lines are in the correct format, such as shapefile, and are georeferenced accurately.

2. Next, we will use the “Interpolation” tool, which is available in the Processing Toolbox. This tool will enable us to create a continuous surface from the contour lines.

3. After that, we will clip the DEM to a specific area to reduce the processing time and enhance the visualization of the terrain.

4. To improve the visualization of the DEM, we will add a hillshade map to the DEM. We can create a hillshade map from the DEM by setting the illumination angle and altitude, and then applying the shading algorithm.

5. Finally, we will apply a “singleband pseudocolor” color ramp to the DEM, which will allow us to visualize the elevation differences across the terrain. We can also adjust the transparency of the DEM layer to enhance the visibility of the hillshade map.

By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and visually appealing DEM from contour lines in QGIS.

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