Download ArcGIS 10.7

ArcMap 10.7 introduces new features and capabilities in mapping, geocoding, and the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension. 10.7 also includes changes in database and geodatabase support. These new and altered features are described in the following sections.

A new analysis environment setting, the Cell Size Projection Method, is available for the majority of tools in the Raster Interpolation, Math, Reclass, and Surface toolsets. This setting determines how the output raster cell size will be calculated when datasets are projected during analysis. The default method, Convert units, is equivalent to the method used in previous releases. Two additional methods, Preserve resolution and Center of extent, are now available.

A new analysis environment setting, Cell Size Projection Method, is available for a number of Spatial Analyst tools. This setting determines how the output raster cell size will be calculated when datasets are projected during analysis. The default method, Convert units, is equivalent to the method used in previous releases.

Two additional methods, Preserve resolution and Center of extent, are now available. Check the list of supported environments for a particular tool to determine if it is available.

You can no longer create user-schema geodatabases in Oracle. You can continue to use and upgrade existing user-schema geodatabases at this release, but you should begin moving your data to stand-alone geodatabases.

The ‘+’ and ‘-‘ operators are added to the Function evaluator. These operators can be used when setting up a function evaluator on a network dataset.

ArcGIS 10.7 Prerelease is available for download now from My ESRI.
What’s new in ArcGIS 10.7 can be found here.
System requirements here.
Release note here.
The quick start guide can be found here.

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