Download Excel template to convert between Geographic Coordinates and UTM

To convert into various coordinate formats, we freely offer our Excel template. Download the free Excel template to perform the following operations:

– Conversion of UTM Coordinates to Decimal Degrees.

– Conversion of Coordinates in Decimal Degrees to UTM.

– Conversion of Coordinates in Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to Decimal Degrees.

– Conversion of Decimal Degrees to Coordinates in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds.

Here you can download Excel template to convert between Geographic Coordinates and UTM

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38 thoughts on “Download Excel template to convert between Geographic Coordinates and UTM”

  1. Thank you for your sharing but I found some mistake on Decimal to UTM which coordinate Y is plus to 10,000,000 . So, I minus 10,000,000 in Y formula and It seem accurate

  2. This file is very helpful!!
    My coordinates are showing up in the Southern Hemisphere?
    Easting: 441336.44
    Northing: 5233415.59

    @watersail commented about editing the Y axis label, where is this?

  3. Thanks so much to the creator for your effort!
    I just have a quick doubt, how can I change from WGS84 to NAD27 (Mexico)? Is there like a couple of cells I can just change the values?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. These coordinates (UTM to decimal degree transformation) are about 200 m SSW of ground truthed position when plotted on Google Earth. Any thoughts on this? I am working in 37P area. Thank you.

  5. It’s very very good, except I’ve got quite a large data and I can’t convert it all at once, I have to do it in bits which is really time consuming.. any help or guide please?

  6. This was amazing! I have been looking for a way to batch convert within excel for a long time and I stumbled upon this. I did the entry data modifications (Zone & Hemisphere) needed for my area, put in my coordinates, and double checked the output to my other coverage comparing the Google Earth map to ArcMap and it seems like it was perfect. You are an angel!

  7. Great code – here is a VB6 snippet that works based on this spreadsheet.
    Private Sub cmdGetUTM_Click()
    Dim C12 As Double ‘A SEMI MAJOR AXIS
    Dim C13 As Double ‘B SEMI MINOR AXIS
    Dim lat As Double
    Dim lon As Double

    Dim C15 As Double ‘Eccentricity
    Dim C16 As Double ‘2ª Excentric. ( e’ )
    Dim C17 As Double ‘e’ ²
    Dim C18 As Double ‘c (polar radius of curvature)
    Dim C21 As String ‘Hemisphere

    Dim E5 As Double ‘LAT
    Dim F5 As Double ‘LONG
    Dim G5 As Double ‘RADIANS LONG
    Dim H5 As Double ‘RADIANS LAT
    Dim I5 As Double ‘ZONE
    Dim J5 As Double ‘MERIDAN
    Dim K5 As Double ‘LAMBDA
    Dim L5 As Double ‘A
    Dim M5 As Double ‘Xi
    Dim N5 As Double ‘ETA
    Dim O5 As Double ‘Ni
    Dim P5 As Double ‘Zeta
    Dim Q5 As Double ‘A1
    Dim R5 As Double ‘A2
    Dim S5 As Double ‘J2
    Dim T5 As Double ‘J4
    Dim U5 As Double ‘J6
    Dim V5 As Double ‘ALFA
    Dim W5 As Double ‘BETA
    Dim X5 As Double ‘GAMMA
    Dim Y5 As Double ‘B(FI)
    Dim Z5 As String ‘Banda(-72 to -16)
    Dim AA5 As String ‘Banda (-8 to 48)
    Dim AB5 As String ‘Banda (56 to 84)
    Dim AC5 As Double ‘UTM Easting X
    Dim AD5 As Double ‘UTM Northing Y
    Dim AE5 As Double ‘Zone
    Dim AF5 As String ‘Band
    Dim AG5 As Double ‘LONG DD
    Dim AH5 As Double ‘LONG MM
    Dim AI5 As Double ‘LONG SS
    Dim AJ5 As Double ‘LAT DD
    Dim AK5 As Double ‘LAT MM
    Dim AL5 As Double ‘LAT SS
    Dim AM5 As String ‘LAT DD MM SS
    Dim AN5 As String ‘LONG DD MM SS

    Dim PI As Double
    Dim bigno As Double

    PI = 3.14159265359

    E5 = CDbl(txtLat.Text) ‘latitude
    F5 = CDbl(txtLong.Text) ‘longitude
    C21 = UCase(txtHem.Text)

    C12 = 6378137
    C13 = 6356752.314

    C15 = (Sqr(C12 ^ 2 – C13 ^ 2)) / C12
    C16 = (Sqr(C12 ^ 2 – C13 ^ 2)) / C13
    C17 = C16 ^ 2
    C18 = (C12 ^ 2) / C13

    G5 = F5 * PI / 180 ‘RADIANS LONG
    H5 = E5 * PI / 180 ‘RADIANS LAT
    I5 = Fix((F5 / 6) + 31) ‘ZONE
    J5 = 6 * I5 – 183 ‘MERIDAN
    K5 = G5 – ((J5 * PI) / 180) ‘LAMBDA
    L5 = Cos(H5) * Sin(K5) ‘A
    M5 = (1 / 2) * (Log((1 + L5) / (1 – L5))) ‘Xi
    N5 = Atn((Tan(H5)) / Cos(K5)) – H5 ‘ETA
    O5 = (C18 / (1 + C17 * (Cos(H5)) ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2)) * 0.9996 ‘Ni
    P5 = (C17 / 2) * M5 ^ 2 * (Cos(H5)) ^ 2 ‘Zeta
    Q5 = Sin(2 * H5) ‘A1
    R5 = Q5 * (Cos(H5)) ^ 2 ‘A2
    S5 = H5 + (Q5 / 2) ‘J2
    T5 = ((3 * S5) + R5) / 4 ‘J4
    U5 = (5 * T5 + R5 * (Cos(H5)) ^ 2) / 3 ‘J6
    V5 = (3 / 4) * C17 ‘ALFA
    W5 = (5 / 3) * V5 ^ 2 ‘BETA
    X5 = (35 / 27) * V5 ^ 3 ‘GAMMA
    Y5 = 0.9996 * C18 * (H5 – (V5 * S5) + (W5 * T5) – (X5 * U5)) ‘B(FI)
    ‘Banda(-72 to -16)
    Select Case E5
    Case Is < -72
    Z5 = "C"
    Case Is < -64
    Z5 = "D"
    Case Is < -56
    Z5 = "E"
    Case Is < -48
    Z5 = "F"
    Case Is < -40
    Z5 = "G"
    Case Is < -32
    Z5 = "H"
    Case Is < -24
    Z5 = "J"
    Case Is < -16
    Z5 = "K"
    Case Else
    Z5 = "L"
    End Select

    'Banda (-8 to 48)
    Select Case E5
    Case Is < -8
    AA5 = "L"
    Case Is < 0
    AA5 = "M"
    Case Is < 8
    AA5 = "N"
    Case Is < 16
    AA5 = "P"
    Case Is < 24
    AA5 = "Q"
    Case Is < 32
    AA5 = "R"
    Case Is < 40
    AA5 = "S"
    Case Is < 48
    AA5 = "T"
    Case Else
    AA5 = "no"
    End Select

    'Banda (56 to 84)
    Select Case E5
    Case Is < 56
    AB5 = "U"
    Case Is < 64
    AB5 = "V"
    Case Is < 72
    AB5 = "W"
    Case Is < 84
    AB5 = "X"
    Case Else
    AB5 = "no"
    End Select

    'UTM Easting X
    AC5 = M5 * O5 * (1 + P5 / 3) + 500000

    'UTM Northing Y
    If C21 = "S" Then
    AD5 = N5 * O5 * (1 + P5) + Y5 + 10000000
    AD5 = N5 * O5 * (1 + P5) + Y5
    End If

    AE5 = I5 'Zone

    Select Case E5
    Case Is < -16
    AF5 = Z5
    Case Is < 64
    AF5 = AA5
    Case Is < 84
    AF5 = AB5
    Case Else
    AF5 = "MALO"
    End Select

    AG5 = Fix(F5) 'LONG DD
    AH5 = Fix((F5 – AG5) * 60) 'LONG MM
    AI5 = Round((((F5 – AG5) * 60) – AH5) * 60, 3) 'LONG SS
    AJ5 = Fix(E5) 'LAT DD
    AK5 = Fix((E5 – AJ5) * 60) 'LAT MM
    AL5 = Round((((E5 – AJ5) * 60) – AK5) * 60, 3) 'LAT SS
    AM5 = AJ5 & "º " & AK5 & "' " & AL5 & " S" 'LAT DD MM SS
    AN5 = AG5 & "º " & AH5 & "' " & AI5 & " W" 'LONG DD MM SS

    txtNorthing.Text = AD5
    txtEasting.Text = AC5
    txtZone = AE5

    End Sub

  8. What set of equations does this spreadsheet use to transform between UTM and decimal degrees and back? Is there a paper or textbook these came from? I’m having trouble finding these particular equations. I’ve found a bunch of papers from Deakin, Hunter, Karney, and others that seem more complicated. I also found this webpage from “Land Information New Zealand” that has their own set of equations:
    There are a lot of similarities to all of these, but I would prefer to stick with your spreadsheet, but have the reference noted.


  9. If I input easting and northing only than can I get Lat and Long. What is BAND, will it require to change of it will change automatically.
    I am from bangladesh, how can I get easting and northing to latitude and Longitude. I know that I am in 45R, 46R, 45Q and 46Q. How do it work.
    I want your help to find the value.

  10. I plop in my Easting and Northing and nothing happens, what a noob I am.
    I am working on a windfarm project and have all the turbines in UTM, but need them in Lat Long coordinates, so I can easily create a list on google maps and share with my boss to impress him. 🙂

    UTM WGS84 Z36
    Easting 548598
    Northing 5122169

    Please help

  11. Thank-you, this template was helpful when I needed to convert a large number of GPS points in UTM coordinates to lat/long decimal-degree values. Appreciated!

  12. When I converted a point from Lat Long to UTM it gave about 1-meter error.
    The UTM was not pointed in the same of the Lat Long location of the google earth.
    Would you explain why this happened?

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