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Downloading Data from the Global Canopy Height Map

Meta and the World Resources Institute have released a global canopy height map with a resolution of 1 meter, marking a significant advancement for forest monitoring and terrestrial biodiversity management. Although it’s impressive to view these data online, many professionals and enthusiasts may wish to work directly with this data on their local systems. Below, we explain how to download these valuable data using the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Step 1: Installing AWS CLI

For Windows users, although the process is similar on other operating systems:

Step 2: Accessing AWS CLI Resources

aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://dataforgood-fb-data/forests/v1/

Step 3: Listing the Available Data

To explore the data available in a specific directory, such as alsgedi_global_v6_float:

aws s3 ls s3://dataforgood-fb-data/forests/v1/alsgedi_global_v6_float/ --no-sign-request | Select-Object -First 10

To access a specific subdirectory such as chm, simply add the path to the previous command:

aws s3 ls s3://dataforgood-fb-data/forests/v1/alsgedi_global_v6_float/chm/ --no-sign-request | Select-Object -First 10

Step 4: Downloading the Data

To download a complete dataset, such as alsgedi_global_v6_float, use the following command, which will start copying the data to your local directory:

aws s3 cp s3://dataforgood-fb-data/forests/v1/alsgedi_global_v6_float/ . --recursive --no-sign-request

It is also crucial to download the tile index file, which allows identification of the exact location corresponding to each downloaded image. This facilitates efficient organization and use of the data in subsequent applications and analyses:

aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://dataforgood-fb-data/forests/v1/alsgedi_global_v6_float/tiles.geojson tiles.geojson

Once downloaded, the files are ready to be opened and utilized in any GIS application, such as QGIS or ArcGIS, allowing for advanced manipulation and analysis.

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