In this blog, we will describe the steps necessary to perform a forest fragmentation analysis using the free QGIS software and the Guidos Toolbox tool. The steps include data preparation, performing the fragmentation analysis, and visualizing the results. With this information, we can better understand forest fragmentation and contribute to the management and conservation of our ecosystems.
First stage: Prepare information in Qgis
- Load shape layers of the delimited area and land cover and land use. Then, perform a clip of the land cover and land use layer to consider only the analysis area.

2. Perform a fix geometries to correct possible errors in the land cover and land use polygons.

3. Use the dissolve tool to merge polygons with the same code or feature. Make sure to mark the field you want to merge.

4. Convert the shape layer to raster using the vector to raster tool.

Second stage: Fragmentation analysis in Guidos Toolbox
- Open Guidos Toolbox and assign a working directory.

2. Load the raster layer.

3. Recode the classes: Recode based on the land cover and use we want to analyze. For example, assign a value of “2” to forest cover and give a value of “1” for the other coverages that we are not working with.

4. Configure the MSPA parameters.

5. Set the MSPA pattern.

6. Activate the MSPA statistics.

7. Save the image in raster format. Finally, we can upload the raster in the Qgis interface to create a print map.