Joining data tables to shapefiles in ArcGIS

The Join tool allows you to merge two tables by a common identifier (ID), the data from both tables annexed by the ID, giving the ability to spatially represent external data, the Join of this entry is done with ArcMap 10 application ArcGIS, the connection is made between a Microsoft Excel table to a shapefile in ArcMap, the steps to perform this procedure are as follows.

1. Create an identification ID .- In the attribute table (SHP) and Excel, there must be a common identifier (in this example, the identification ID), can attach shapefile data (polygon, points polylines) according to the established numbering.

Join ArcGIS

2. Create a Join .- The second step is to call the Excel data to shapefile in ArcMap, for this from the attribute table go to Joins and Relates – Join and fill in the information fields as follows:

1. Choose the field in this layer that the join will be based on: Select Id.
2. Choose the table to join to this layer, or load the table from disk: Select the table from Excel (consider the name of the sheet).
3. Choose the fiel in the table to base the join on: Select ID.

Add Join in ArcGIS

OK to display the data in the shapefile, this example has been using ArcGIS 10, but it works the same way in previous versions, you can now edit the data in Excel and automatically read ArcMap (but from ArcGIS is not possible to change to Excel table). It is recommended to export (Data> Export data) as a new shapefile, to store information Join.

Join in ArcGIS

Please help me with writing (comment), my English is not good.

1 thought on “Joining data tables to shapefiles in ArcGIS”

  1. Should check over all the joining data table from the new joined shp file, by turn on labelling. To make sure they all joined in the correct order.

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