List of band combinations in Sentinel 2

We have the Sentinel 2 images since 2015, and with a resolution of 10 meters you can do an infinite number of things that will impress us.

Previously we saw how to download the Sentinel images, but now we present a summary of the most common combinations of the Sentinel 2 spectral bands in channels such as red, green, blue (RGB).

List of main band combinations in Sentinel 2

Natural Colors 432
False color Infrared 843
False color Urban 12114
Agriculture 1182
Atmospheric penetration 12118a
Healthy vegetation 8112
Land/Water 8114
Natural Colors with Atmospheric Removal 1283
Shortwave Infrared 1284
Vegetation Analysis 1184

Below are two examples of combinations for atmospheric penetration (12-11-8a), and agriculture (11-8-2).

Penetración atmosférica Sentinel 2A (12 11 8a)
Atmospheric penetration Sentinel 2A (12 11 8a). Catamayo, Loja, EC. 2017-11-18.
Agriculture Sentinel 2A (11 8 2)
Agriculture Sentinel 2A (11 8 2). Catamayo, Loja, EC. 2017-11-18.

Applications such as ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, gvSIG, Envi, Erdas, QGIS, etc., have the tools to execute this procedure.

In general it is possible to make the combinations that our imagination allows, but it is also necessary to know the details of each band.

For more information on the features of Sentinel 2A and Sentinel 2B, review the following tables taken from Earth Observing System.

Sentinel-2A – Sensor: MSI

No.Band nameCentral wavelength (nm)Bandwidth (nm)Resolution (m)
1Coastal aerosol443.92760
5Vegetation Red Edge703.91920
6Vegetation Red Edge740.21820
7Vegetation Red Edge782.52820
8aNarrow NIR864.83320
9Water vapour9452660
10SWIR – Cirrus1373.57560

Sentinel-2B – Sensor: MSI

No. Band nameCentral wavelength (nm)Bandwidth (nm) Resolution (m)
1Coastal aerosol442.34560
5Vegetation Red Edge703.82020
6Vegetation Red Edge739.11820
7Vegetation Red Edge779.72820
8aNarrow NIR8643220
9Water vapour943.22760
10SWIR – Cirrus1376.97660
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