8. GIS Book: Geoprocessing tools

GIS tools undoubtedly automate processes that used to take a long time to carry out. In general, manual tasks often require a great deal of effort to complete. Geoprocessing is … Read more

7.4. GIS Book: Operations

The Field Calculator performs simple and complex calculations for both text strings and mathematical operations. Note that the modifications affect all records (if none is selected) or only the selected … Read more

6.5. GIS Book: Working with polygons

The process of digitizing polygons is similar to that of polylines. In the Create Features panel, select the layer (e. g. plant_cover) and choose Polygon in the Construction Tools. To … Read more

Basic operations with tables in QGIS 3

Field Calculator

It is possible to perform operations in the attribute tables of QGIS 3, e.g. queries, calculation of geometric properties, concatenation and extraction of texts, mathematical and date operations. Operations in … Read more

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