If you’re looking to learn Geographic Information Systems. Here we have compiled a list of the best qualified and best selling courses in Udemy.
Desktop GIS with both free and proprietary software from beginner to advanced level, hydrology, spatial databases, Python or R programming, remote sensing or web mapping applications. Order does not mean that one is better than the other.
Modeling and flood analysis with Hec-RAS and ArcGIS
Geospatial Data Science with Python: GeoPandas
QGIS 3.10 LTR for GIS Professionals
Landslide Risk Analysis with ArcGIS Desktop
Geospatial Analyses & Remote Sensing: from Beginner to Pro
Species Distribution Models with GIS & Machine Learning in R
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis
Complete Remote Sensing Image Analysis with ENVI Software
Complete Google Earth Engine for Remote Sensing & GIS
Big Geospatial Data Analysis with Earth Engine API
Core Spatial Data Analysis: Introductory GIS with R and QGIS
ArcSWAT Model with ArcGIS – Run for any Study Area – GIS
ArcPy for Python Developers using ArcGIS Pro
Note: All courses offered by Udemy are 100% online.
To obtain the certificate you must have 100% completed all activities.
For any novelty or suggestion do not hesitate to contact us.