Turn your smartphone into a GPS to collect field data

The new version of gvSIG Mobile allows you to convert your mobile phone into a GPS device to collect field data through a form. Personally, what I liked the most is the possibility of exporting the data as GPX.

Actually when I want to collect coordinates with the cell phone, what interests me most is to be able to store the information either in a table or a vector file. It would be great to be able to export as *.shp, but because of its ideological current it does it in other formats such as GPX, KMZ, PDF.

In general I find it a good product of gvSIG, among the main features are:

  • Online profiles available: when a web server is configured to serve Cloud Profiles, gvSIG Mobile can automatically download projects, base layers, Spatialite layers, forms for notes and other files.
  • Collect coordinates.
  • Store tracks with the screen turned off.
  • Export reports in a PDF.

To install gvSIG Mobile you can get it from the Play Store on this link, at the moment it only works on Android.

I hope that in the future new functions such as exporting coordinates (geographical or flat) in a simple text table will be integrated.

It would also be important to integrate your own viewer of the satellites in use, and the possibility of connecting to GLONASS.

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