Determining the hydrological network and river order in ArcMap is an essential process for analyzing the flow of water across a landscape. In order to perform this analysis, you can follow the steps outlined below:
- Open ArcMap: Open the ArcMap software and create a new document or project.
- Load DEM: Import the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data into the project.

3. Compute flow direction: Use the Flow Direction tool to calculate the direction of water flow across the landscape.

4.Compute flow accumulation: Use the Flow Accumulation tool to calculate the accumulation of water flow in each cell of the landscape.

5. Compute logarithm of flow accumulation: Use the Raster Calculator tool to compute the logarithm of the flow accumulation.

6. Condition the logarithm: Use the Raster Calculator tool to condition the logarithm by setting a threshold value.

7. Connect flow using Stream Link: Use the Stream Link tool to create a continuous flow network.

8. Compute stream order: Use the Stream Order tool to determine the order of each stream in the network.

9. Convert to shapefile: Use the Stream to Feature tool to convert the stream network to a shapefile format.

10. Add labels and classify: Finally, activate labels and classify the shapefile based on the grid_code field in the layer properties.

By following these steps, you can determine the hydrological network and river order in ArcMap, which can be used for a variety of analyses such as watershed delineation and flow path mapping.
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Is it possible to replicate this workflow in ArcGIS please. Arc map is caveman!