ChatGPT make me a map

Ever wondered if you can generate maps from shapefiles without relying on heavy GIS apps like ArcGIS or QGIS? Today, I’ll walk you through using ChatGPT to do just that. … Read more

What is a Contour Map?

A contour map is a graphical representation of the terrain or surface of an area. Instead of showing mountains, valleys, and other features in 3D, it uses lines, called contour … Read more

What are maps?

person wearing beige sweater holding map inside vehicle

Maps are graphical representations of geographic areas that show the locations, shapes, and relationships of physical and cultural features on the Earth’s surface. They are used to display information in … Read more


GIS Day is an international event that is celebrated annually on the third Wednesday of November. The event is designed to promote the use of geographic information systems (GIS) technology … Read more

GIS Evolution and Advancements

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping, analyzing, and managing geographic data. The history of GIS can be traced back to the early 20th century, when … Read more

Interpolation in ArcGIS Pro

Interpolation is a technique in GIS that is used to estimate the value of a variable at a specific location based on measurements taken at other locations. In ArcGIS Pro, … Read more

Categories GIS