ChatGPT make me a map

Ever wondered if you can generate maps from shapefiles without relying on heavy GIS apps like ArcGIS or QGIS? Today, I’ll walk you through using ChatGPT to do just that. Let’s get started!

1. Preparing Your Shapefiles

  • Ensure you have your shapefiles ready on your computer.
  • Right-click on them, then choose to compress these files. You’ll have a ZIP file.

2. Interact with ChatGPT

  • Open ChatGPT and activate its ‘Code interpreter’ or ‘Advanced Data Analysis’ mode.
  • Upload the ZIP file containing your shapefiles.
  • To instruct ChatGPT, send a message like: “I want you to create a tourist map of Ecuador from these shapefiles. Classify the points by type and display a legend.”

3. Observing ChatGPT’s Magic

  • ChatGPT will now process the shapefiles from your ZIP.
  • It can intelligently interpret field names from each layer, such as “type” or “Tipo” in Spanish.
  • Once processed, ChatGPT will display the map for you.

4. Adding More Details

  • If you want to view geographic coordinates, you can send a message like: “Please show me the coordinates.”
  • To incorporate province names, instruct ChatGPT with a message like: “Also display the names of the provinces.”
  • ChatGPT will then scan the fields to find relevant details, like the province names, and display them on the map.

5. Retrieving the Python Code

  • If you wish to recreate this process on your local machine, you can ask ChatGPT for the Python code. Simply send: “Provide the Python code to recreate this map locally.”
  • ChatGPT will generate the required Python code. To run this code, ensure you have essential libraries like geopandas and matplotlib installed on your computer.

6. Downloading Your Map

  • To save the displayed map, right-click on it and choose “Save Image”.
  • Open the saved map image from your computer to view it.


It’s impressive how ChatGPT can help you design maps from shapefiles without the need for apps like QGIS or ArcGIS. If this tutorial was beneficial and you liked the outcome, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more insightful tutorials! Thanks for tuning in!

2 thoughts on “ChatGPT make me a map”

  1. This looks great and I will follow it up and see what I can do. right now I’m unaware of those features of chatgpt, not sure they’re there. Perhaps I need a different version? A paid version maybe?
    But anyway what I would like to do right now is put a question if I can concerning the cache file downloaded by sasplanet? I’m hoping I might a route to an answer via this page.
    I have a couple of different sasplanet installs and each has its own cache of downloaded tiles and they’re each of different parts of the world.
    I would like to combine those caches so that whichever machine I happen to be on I have accessible to me all the currently downloaded tiles.
    But I can’t find how that can be done.
    Can you help?

  2. No. That certainly is not available to me with my current chat gpt. It tells me this:

    I’m unable to directly interact with files or perform data analysis tasks as you’ve described, such as working with shapefiles. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to approach this task using a programming language like Python, which can work with shapefiles.


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