The QGIS Panama User Community is pleased to announce the Crowdfunding Campaign of the QGIS Dashboard plugin, a project initiated by Engineer Luis Eduardo Perez Graterol, known in the geospatial environment for his continuous contributions with publications of articles, tutorials, courses and videos, all encouraging the use and learning of QGIS.
The QGIS Panama User Community wish to encourage the growth of free software in Panama and other parts of the world, especially QGIS. At the same time we believe, congratulate and support the efforts of entrepreneurs who wish to contribute to the growth of this powerful software.
The Dashboard plugin progress was first shown at the January QGIS Open Day event organized by Tim Sutton, to great interest from the user community.
Subsequently, other functionalities and improvements have been added, such as those shown below.
QGIS Dashboard Plugin
The plugin will allow the creation and management of interactive dashboards with multiple functionalities, in an easy and intuitive way, on the QGIS screen.
These dashboards will also be visible in print format.

In its development phase the plugin shows us the possibility to perform powerful analysis of our data, presented in beautiful infographics.
The reasons for the campaign
We are convinced that this is a valuable tool that will promote and facilitate the application of QGIS in multiple disciplines and projects.Although the tool already provides results, it has not been finalized due to time constraints. The present campaign, if successful, would allow the developer to dedicate himself exclusively to finalize it as soon as possible, perform the tests, publish it for free use, both in the official QGIS repository and in a Github account.
In addition, the success of the campaign will set a precedent that we hope will encourage other entrepreneurs, especially Spanish-speaking ones, to promote their projects with the support of official associations and QGIS user communities established or in the process of being formed.
What will we do with the funds?
QGIS Panama will be in charge of the campaign procedures, which will allow the collection of the necessary funds for the development of the plugin. It is expected to raise a minimum amount of 3,000 dollars.
The funds will also be used to expand and add new developers to guarantee a solid plugin.
If funds above the minimum amount are raised, they will be invested for the addition of more functionalities.
Crowfunding campaign
By supporting this project, you will help QGIS to have a tool for the creation of powerful, versatile and interactive dashboards, with multiple analysis functions and several customizable styles.
This project cannot go forward without your support.
Committing funds is safe and easy. Just fill in the pledge form to indicate the amount you want to contribute; pledges are only binding if the funding target is reached before the deadline.
If you have difficulties in making your pledge or have a specific preference, please contact QGIS Panama at or through linkedin. You can also contact the developer. We will gladly assist you to facilitate your contribution.
From April 19, 2021 until May 28, 2021.
After this period, if the minimum amount of the campaign is reached, the data will be published to make the transaction, the payment of the amount must be made within a period not exceeding ten (10) days after the end of the campaign.
Once the crowdfunding campaign goal has been reached, the development of the plugin will be resumed exclusively. With the commitment to finish it and publish it in a period no longer than three months.
How to keep up to date with the progress of the campaign?
Every week we will be updating this article, showing the progress of the campaign.
Campaign progress through Friday, 28 May, 2021:

Campaign status: Active
Total contributions: 59
What are we going to build?
The objective of the plugin is to allow the construction of dashboards made up of text and graphic panels. The dashboards will be interactive, they will respond to user interactions, specifically the selection of entities from the chosen main layer.
Here are eleven (11) highlights of the proposed development:
1.- User-friendly interface that will allow the creation and configuration of panels on the QGIS screen.

2.- Support for the display of values and multiple graphics.

3.- Attribute queries, statistics and spatial queries
The text and graphic panels will have multiple query options, from returning the value of the attribute table, statistical calculations to spatial queries.
4.- Spatial query options according to the type of geometry of the layer.
For example number of entities selected, entities contained within the selection (polygon layer), entities at a distance from the selection (point and lines), entities within the map extent, among others.
5.- Interactive updating of dashboards in response to user selections

6.- Controls for arranging panels on screen.
Tools for preliminary placement of panels on the edges of the screen. Ability to move panels by dragging them.

7.- Configuration of panel styles:
Both text and graphic panels will have several predefined styles, as well as the option to customize them by modifying the background colors, parts of the graphic, text, font size, among others.

8.- Option to add icons to text panels
The user will be able to select and incorporate svg icons in the text panels, as well as to define the position in which they will be placed.
9.- Incorporate other graphics in addition to those already shown.

10.- Transparency
Control to assign transparency, from visible to hidden, so that the boards do not hide the content of the map.

11.- Visible in the map layout (print)

thanks more
Thank you very much for spreading the word!