[cartography] A method of drawing with pencil or pen and ink, used in cartographic reproduction.
[cartography] A method of drawing with pencil or pen and ink, used in cartographic reproduction.
All map features associated with the movement and flow of water, such as rivers, streams, and lakes.
[ESRI software] A layer in ArcGlobe that has been categorized to be draped on top of the globe surface.
[spatial statistics use for geostatistics] The general pattern of z-values throughout a kriging model. The drift, or structure, forms the model’s basic shape.
[spatial analysis] A zone around a map feature measured in units of time needed for travel by car. For example, a store’s 10-minute drive-time area defines the area in which … Read more
A type of scanner in which a hard-copy image or map is attached to a cylinder that spins while a sensor captures a digital image from the surface of the … Read more