GIS Dictionary
[Internet] A browser-independent, vector graphic technology for creating interactive Web sites with video, graphics, and animation. Browsers need plug-ins for Flash animations.
flatbed scanner
A type of scanner with a flat, clear surface on which a map or image remains stationary while a sensor beam moves across it and captures a digital image.
A measure of how much an oblate spheroid differs from a sphere. The flattening equals the ratio of the semimajor axis minus the semiminor axis to the semimajor axis.
floating layer
[ESRI software] A layer in ArcGlobe that has been categorized to float independently above or below the globe surface.
floating point
[computing] A type of numeric field for storing real numbers with a decimal point. The decimal point can be in any position in the field and, thus, may “float” from … Read more
flow direction
[network analysis] The route or course followed by commodities proceeding through edge elements in a network.
flow map
[cartography] A map that uses line symbols of variable thickness to show the proportion of traffic or flow within a network.