multichannel receiver
[remote sensing] A receiver that tracks several satellites at a time, using one channel for each satellite.
[remote sensing] A receiver that tracks several satellites at a time, using one channel for each satellite.
[data models] Data that is comprised of multiple dimensions, such as space and time. For example, a temperature dataset could have dimensions of latitude, longitude, altitude, and time.
[network analysis] A network in which two or more types of transportation modes (such as walking, riding a train, or driving a car) are modeled. In a network dataset, multiple … Read more
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS, a digital representation of a place or thing that has more than one part but is defined as one feature because it references one set of … Read more
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS, a type of geometry consisting of planar three-dimensional rings and triangles, used in combination to model objects that occupy discrete area or volume in three-dimensional space. … Read more
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS, a real-world geographic feature modeled using multipatch geometry.
[satellite imaging] Errors caused when a satellite signal reaches the receiver from two or more paths, one directly from the satellite and the others reflected from nearby buildings or other … Read more
[statistics] Regression in which the dependent variable is measured against two or more independent variables.
[ESRI software] In the Survey Analyst for field measurements Survey Explorer, one of two types of setup pages. The Multiple Setup page is used for computations that process more than … Read more
[remote sensing] A receiver that tracks several satellite signals using a single channel.
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS software, a geometric element defined by an unordered set of x,y coordinate pairs.
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS software, a digital map feature that represents a place or thing that has neither area nor length at a given scale, and that is treated as … Read more
[3D GIS] A feature class that can store many points per shape or row, thereby saving storage space and improving read-write performance.
[physics] Related to two or more frequencies or wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
[remote sensing] An image created from several narrow spectral bands.
[satellite imaging] A device carried on satellites and aircraft that records energy from multiple portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
[database structures] A geodatabase managed in an RDBMS server by ArcSDE. Multiuser geodatabases can be very large and support multiple concurrent editors. They are supported on a variety of commercial … Read more
[statistics] Any statistical method for evaluating the relationship between two or more variables.
[ESRI software] In ArcGIS and ArcSDE, a view that uses stored procedures and triggers to access a specified version of data in a single business table in the geodatabase. A … Read more