
[ESRI software] In MOLE, typically two or more force elements grouped together and placed on a line based on user-specified rules. Leaders are often used to clean up the map … Read more

least-cost path

[network analysis] The path between two locations that costs the least to traverse, where cost is a function of time, distance, or some other criteria defined by the user.

least-squares adjustment

[surveying] A statistical method for providing a best fit for survey point locations and detecting measurement error by minimizing the sum of the squares of measurement residuals. The method allows … Read more

left-right topology

[ESRI software] The topological data structure in an ArcInfo coverage that stores, for each arc, the identity of the polygons to the left and right of it. Left-right topology supports … Read more

legend patch shape

[ESRI software] The geometric shape of either a line or a polygon that is used to represent a specific kind of feature in a legend and in the ArcMap table … Read more

level of detail

[ESRI software] An abstraction of a layer in ArcGlobe portraying the layer at some degree of resolution between simplified and unsimplified.


In surveying, the measurement of the heights of objects and points according to a specified elevation, usually mean sea level.